Native robot interface for making the visual manipulation
control_base.hpp File Reference

Native robot control interface for visual manipulation. More...

#include <mutex>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <tf2_eigen/tf2_eigen.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/msg/joint_state.hpp>
#include <geometry_msgs/msg/pose_stamped.hpp>
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struct  TcpPose
 Data type to represent robot arm's end-effector pose in 3D cartesian space. More...
class  ArmControlBase
 Robot arm control interface. More...

Detailed Description

Native robot control interface for visual manipulation.

Yu Yan
29 Sep 2019 This file contains the control interface template to make the visual grasping. The interface is used for the control between a PC and an industrial robot controller. Collision detection is not considered in this interface. The specific behaviors are supposed to be filled with the communication protocal of an industrial robot, which are usually specified by the robot manufacturors.