| URControl (const std::string node_name, const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options=rclcpp::NodeOptions()) |
virtual bool | moveToTcpPose (double x, double y, double z, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double vel, double acc) |
| Move the robot end-effector to a goal pose (position and orientation) in 3D Cartesian space. More...
virtual bool | open (const double distance=0) |
| Open the robot gripper and make it ready for grasping. More...
virtual bool | close (const double distance=0) |
| Close the robot gripper and let it grasp an object. More...
bool | urscriptInterface (const std::string command_script) |
bool | startLoop () |
| Start control loop.
virtual bool | consume (RTState_V1_6__7 &state) |
virtual bool | consume (RTState_V1_8 &state) |
virtual bool | consume (RTState_V3_0__1 &state) |
virtual bool | consume (RTState_V3_2__3 &state) |
virtual void | setupConsumer () |
virtual void | teardownConsumer () |
virtual void | stopConsumer () |
bool | publishJoints (RTShared &packet, rclcpp::Time t) |
bool | publish (RTShared &packet) |
bool | getTcpPose (RTShared &packet) |
void | parseArgs () |
| Parse arguments.
| ArmControlBase (const std::string node_name, const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options) |
| Constructor of class ArmControlBase. More...
virtual | ~ArmControlBase () |
| Default destructor of class ArmControlBase.
virtual bool | moveToTcpPose (const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose, double vel, double acc) |
| Move the robot end-effector to a goal pose (position and orientation) in 3D Cartesian space. More...
virtual bool | pick (double x, double y, double z, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double vel, double acc, double vel_scale, double approach) |
| Make the robot arm to pick an object from a grasp pose. More...
virtual bool | pick (const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose_stamped, double vel, double acc, double vel_scale, double approach) |
| Make the robot arm to pick an object from a grasp pose. More...
virtual bool | place (double x, double y, double z, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double vel, double acc, double vel_scale, double retract) |
| Make the robot arm to place an object from a place pose. More...
virtual bool | place (const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose_stamped, double vel, double acc, double vel_scale, double retract) |
| Make the robot arm to place an object from a place pose. More...
void | toTcpPose (const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose_stamped, TcpPose &tcp_pose) |
| Convert geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped to TcpPose. More...
void | toTcpPose (const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose, TcpPose &tcp_pose) |
| Convert Eigen::Isometry3d to TcpPose. More...
virtual bool | checkTcpGoalArrived (Eigen::Isometry3d &tcp_goal) |
| Function to check if the end-effector arrived the goal pose. More...